Articles on Health & Fitness

We are passionate about fitness education. The articles we’ve written below will hopefully serve as both resource and inspiration for you wherever you’re at in your wellness journey.

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Seniors Fitness: 7 Benefits of CrossFit Training

We have heard it before: “I am too old to be doing CrossFit!” But with current members a few years away from their 90th birthday, we have to disagree. There are many seniors fitness programs out there to choose from, so let us share why we believe our style of training is the perfect fit! […]

Group Fitness Classes – Pros & Cons

If you have attended group fitness classes before, you know there are wonderful benefits to this model as well as some potential drawbacks. 
Let’s lay out some of the pros and cons to help determine whether group fitness classes are right for you!

Fitness Goals for Spring

Spring is finally here and it’s a great time to make some new fitness goals. I am sure you’ve heard of spring cleaning? Cleaning our homes, drawers, and closets feels so good in spring. But it’s also good to clean out any outdated goals or habits!  Let Go of Old Goals Take a look at […]

Respond to Challenges

How do you respond to challenges? If you didn’t already know the answer to this question, 2020 has likely enlightened you. Overcoming obstacles in our day-to-day life has become commonplace thanks to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Continually we are faced with challenges and asked to pivot, adjust, and acclimate to the “new normal.”  As with most […]

Fitness is Measurable

You’ve been hitting the gym for a solid 6 months, working hard on your fitness, sweating through your shirt, losing weight, and gaining muscle. You can tell things are changing: you seem to have more energy, you are sleeping better, when you go out for lunch you’re making aligned food choices. You can tell you […]

Committing to Your Diet

Committing to your diet and staying on point with your Nutrition Program can be a challenge. If the diet you’ve chosen is very restrictive and doesn’t allow much flexibility, it can be almost impossible. But even if you are following a more flexible plan, focused on nourishing your body with whole, unprocessed foods in quantities […]

Outstanding Fitness Coaches

If you’ve ever played on a sports team, then you know what I’m talking about. If you’ve ever had a fabulous teacher, a dedicated mentor, or an attentive instructor, you’ll agree. When learning and growing in sport, there is no greater resource than outstanding fitness coaches. At CrossFit Qualicum Beach, there are many qualities that […]

Do I Need to be Fit to Join CrossFit?

We hear it all the time, “Oh, I am WAY too out of shape to join CrossFit!” Or, “I know someone who goes to your gym and she is WAY fitter than me!” Some folks just don’t want to join a gym and that’s fine. But if you are saying these things out of fear […]

Love and Fitness

With 28% of our current membership in a serious relationship with another member of the gym, I felt it was high time we investigated why love and fitness go so well together. Couples Who Sweat Together Not all the couples joined the gym at the same time as their partner. In fact, most didn’t. But […]

Is Personal Training Right For Me?

Top 5 Reasons to Find a Personal Trainer If you have been wondering about finding Personal Training in Qualicum Beach, here are some excellent reasons to further your research! 1. Weight Loss or Muscle Gain Whether your goals are to lose body fat or increase lean body mass (perhaps you’d like to do both!), working […]